Our Sponsors

Our journey at Sandbox Centre is powered by the generosity of our sponsors and the unwavering support of our community. Their commitment fuels innovation, fosters collaboration, and empowers entrepreneurs to turn ideas into reality. With their support, we continue to provide valuable resources, dynamic programming, and a thriving ecosystem where businesses can connect, learn, and grow. Together, we are shaping the future of innovation and driving economic success in our region. We are deeply grateful for their partnership and dedication to our shared vision.


24 Maple Avenue (2nd Floor)
Barrie, ON
L4M 7W7

Business Hours

Sandbox Regional Innovation Centre Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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We would love to show you Sandbox Centre. Please let us know when you are available and we will do our best to receive you on that date and time.

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