Date: June 10, 2021
SBX NOW & NXTWomen In Business

ASK AN EXPERT | A Window of Opportunity: COVID-19 Impacts on Women In Business

The past 12 months have seen a series of events that have permanently impacted both the nature of the workplace and women’s opportunities within it. Many of the hardest hit sectors where many women work – like retail, travel, hospitality – haven’t fully recovered. They bore the brunt of job losses. Working practices have become more flexible, new leadership traits are coming to the fore, and the need for a diverse workforce and inclusive culture has never been more apparent. In these extraordinary times, agile, forward looking businesses will recognize this moment of change as a chance to evolve and thrive.

It’s now time to continue the progress and widen the door of diversity even further.

Sandbox Centre, in partnership with County of SimcoeXcelerateHERGrant Thornton and RBC, came together virtually on June 9, 2021 to learn about the repercussions that these disruptive shifts have had on women in business and the window of opportunity that lay ahead to ensure a more inclusive recovery.

In this session we heard from national leaders and a panel of ambitious women in business from across our region that have persevered through the pandemic and the impact they faced as a result. At different stages and various levels of business, they provided their shared perspectives and what opportunities lay ahead for the equity of women in business. Check out the video replay below to dive in further! 

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Leave this influential conversation with insights on:

  • Advancing progress for women in the workplace, helping women get back into the workforce
  • Rise of flexible working and benefits of new working practices
  • How businesses can communicate the cultural values of inclusiveness to every member of the organization
  • Views on whether new working practices will benefit women’s career trajectories long-term
  • Progress towards gender parity in senior management
  • & more!

*Inspiration for this fireside conversation was built off of a recent eye-opening report “Women in Business 2021” published by Grant Thornton LLP as well as RBC Economics’ Thought Leadership Report COVID further clouded outlook for Canadian Women.

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