Category: HR CNNX

Mindful Leaders & How To Become One

In previous posts, we’ve explored the challenges we’ll face in the next 10, 20 or more years. Technology is eating the world and changing things at breakneck speed. That’s all fine, but we need the tools to keep up.Mindful leaders, their teams, and organizations will not only survive tomorrow’s changes, but thrive, because they’ll be equipped to connect on…

5 Lessons on Business Resilience and Stakeholder Engagement

Businesses are dealing with busts, booms and everything in between amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment in the U.S. has climbed to nearly 15%, the highest level since the Depression and roughly double the number during the 2008 recession, and thousands of small businesses are scrambling for federal financial assistance. The recession of 2008 and its ripple effects provide…

Pssst – Your Deprivation Mentality is Showing.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all creatures of habit.  In small ways and sometimes in big ways, we like what we like when we like it and we are not happy nor are we comfortable when someone tells us we are no longer allowed to …. Enter a pandemic. As…

5 Tips for Stepping into a Leadership Position

So you want to take on a leadership position as your next step. As a top-contributor, it’s something you’ve long eyed as a goal but aren’t quite sure the best way to make sure you’re equipped when the time comes. More than a quarter of managers said they weren’t ready to lead others when they…

Empathy: Really Getting It

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say that good leadership requires empathy, I’d be a rich man. As a buzzword, it’s easy to throw around. However, I find it can be difficult to really understand and even harder to put into practice.First, let’s get clear on what it is. When…

The Legal Brief: COVID-19 Stage Two Reopening Updates & ESA Amendments RECAP

Stage two of reopening the economy has commenced for the Province of Ontario, however, the criteria and modifications that are needed to do so may be unclear to many. In our recent Experts in Residence session, The Legal Brief, Sandbox hosted experts Barriston Law and special guests to explore the recent stage two reopening updates…