Category: COVID-19 Resources

Employment Law Considerations & COVID-19

As part of the discussion surrounding business implications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandbox Centre hosted platinum partner Barriston Law who lead the conversation on employment law in Barrie & Simcoe.  HR Performance & Results Inc also plays a key role in speaking to specific rights, obligations and requirements for both employee and employer with…


Day after day, update after update – we are all trying to keep up. From small business to large organizations, the impact of COVID-19 is starting to become very evident. Most businesses have taken the first immediate steps to adapt, are you one of those business owners? What are the next steps when it comes…

Georgian College creates face shields for front-line workers

Via the Alectra Centre for Research, Innovation and Commercialization (C-RIC), the Research and Innovation team at Georgian College is responding to the community’s need for medical face shields and other components. Until Ontario’s manufacturers can retool and fill demand, small fabrication shops like the C-RIC are filling the gap for this kind of medical equipment,…

How Should You Handle COVID-19 in the Workplace?

From all angles, there is no doubt that we are being flooded with news of COVID-19 and its constant updates. This tsunami of an outbreak has naturally caused overwhelming fear, ambiguity among many, and perplexed concern not only around the globe, but our business community as well.When it comes to navigating the rights and wrongs…