Category: SBX NOW & NXT

Overcoming Intellectual Property Issues Facing Artists, Writers and Designers

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

The Mechanics of Filing A Patent and Patent Law

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

Empowering Entrepreneurs – Effective Strategies for IP Commercialization & Success

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

The Ontario Creates IDM Fund: Up to $300k in Grants

Ontario Creates is a government agency with a range of support programs that provide financial, strategic, and research development resources to Ontario’s cultural entrepreneurs and established interactive digital media sector businesses to promote economic growth. The Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund provides eligible applicants with up to $300,000 in grants for projects that…

Intellectual Property Law Considerations for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program: COVID-19 Support Loans

The Government of Canada has launched the Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) to provide pandemic support loans for all Canadian businesses, largely for highly affected sectors such as hospitality and tourism. HASCAP government funding supports all businesses that have experienced a substantial decrease in revenues by at least 50% because of COVID-19. Qualified…