Category: SBX NOW & NXT

Contingency | Plan For Change + Use It To Evolve

Contingency by definition is an event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted – so we can plan for disruption but not necessarily for the particulars. That’s ok, it sounds like life in general to us! We have all heard of having a contingency plan but they usually consist of reserves we can…

Force Majeure Clauses – How Are Contractual Obligations Impacted By COVID-19?

There has been a lot of talk about COVID-19, contracts, and whether a pandemic is a legitimate reason to not fulfill a contractual obligation. Tenants and landlords are asking about this, insurance companies are analyzing the fine print of policies, real estate transactions and general commercial transactions could be implicated. As part of the discussion surrounding…

Pivot Your Business Through An Innovative Culture

In our recent look at what it takes to pivot your business during these uncertain times, we’ve had some conversations that dig into the mentality and perspective required to have an innovative culture that would allow you to make a successful pivot. We had the opportunity to speak with Zac Cutt who operates as a Research…

Cash Flow During COVID-19: Loan and Grant Programs for Business

As the COVID-19 pandemic caught the world off-guard, many organizations that have been able to traditionally sustain themselves are now looking for new ways to access cash. Navigating cash flow options during these uncertain times can be quite a challenge, which is why Mentor Works has put together a list of Canadian government funding programs that includes COVID-19-related support and ongoing government loan/grant…

Wills & Powers of Attorney – if you don’t have one, now what?

As part of the discussion surrounding business implications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandbox Centre hosted platinum partner Barriston Law who lead the conversation on wills and powers of attorney. Because there is so much uncertainty surrounding our health right now, Barriston guides us through what can be done if you don’t currently have a…

How to pivot your business in these uncertain times

Recently, while searching for a voice that echos the one in our own mind surrounding the opportunity to pivot your business; we stumbled upon precisely the straight forward unfettered tone we were looking for. From our own lens as a small business, like so many of you, there is a stark reality we’re faced with. The…