Category: SBX NOW & NXT

Shifting Mindsets For What’s Next

When considering the rapidly changing environment with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a fair statement that managing change will be key for our personal and professional lives. There is great uncertainty around us, which is easy to be consumed by, and for some even harder to see beyond. The optimist knows that “this too shall pass”,…

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Managing the impact on global supply chains with EDC

The World Health Organization has declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. The virus has now spread to every continent except Antarctica since first being identified in Wuhan, China, in December. With more than 70 countries reporting new cases of COVID-19, governments and public health authorities are working hard to try to contain the disease,…

How Should You Handle COVID-19 in the Workplace?

From all angles, there is no doubt that we are being flooded with news of COVID-19 and its constant updates. This tsunami of an outbreak has naturally caused overwhelming fear, ambiguity among many, and perplexed concern not only around the globe, but our business community as well.When it comes to navigating the rights and wrongs…

Pendulum Series | Session 1

Newton’s cradle is a device that demonstrates the conservation of momentum and energy. Colliding in a fast paced exchange of energy, entrepreneurs are constantly faced with issues that either propel them to success or set them back to the start. This poses the question, are entrepreneurs born or made? Researchers, sociologists, economic theorists, and entrepreneurs…


Action First Aid Inc, was started by Deb Hennig, in 1997. As a high school PhysED, Science and Outdoor Education teacher in York Region, Deb believed in the importance of having students trained in CPR. She initiated a program within her school by which students could receive training and certification from a Heart & Stroke…

Family Businesses Generate Almost Half of Canada’s Private Sector GDP and 7 Million Jobs According to New Conference Board of Canada and Family Enterprise Xchange Report

New research has confirmed that family-owned businesses have a significant impact on Canada’s economy. From the corner coffee shop to the home builder and the local manufacturer, from the farmer and the fish processor to the commercial real estate developer – family enterprises generated almost half of Canada’s private sector GDP and almost seven million…