Category: Professional Development

How Important Is EQ (Emotional Quotient) In Leadership?

The term emotional quotient, or EQ, refers to a concept made famous in 1995 by renowned psychologist, Daniel Goleman. His book, Emotional Intelligence touched about managing emotions and the way they impact relationships both personal and professional. Goleman wasn’t the first to discover the importance of emotional interactions. A decade before his book was released…

What Is the Best Way to Invest in Professional Development?

Whether you run a small business or are an employee of one, investing in professional development increases your value on the job. There are many ways to improve your skillset personally and professionally. Whether you’re interested in honing presentation skills, leadership skills, or other industry-specific skills, setting professional development goals can help. At Sandbox Centre,…

How to Present Myself as A Good Leader at Work

Leadership is something many strive for but aren’t sure how to achieve. Simply earning the role of supervisor or manager doesn’t make you a good leader. Leadership requires a series of strong traits to effectively deliver results while simultaneously building rapport with your team.There are many schools of thought on what signifies a great leader,…

What Is Your Goal and Plan For The Coming Year?

Creating professional goals is an important part of encouraging growth in business. No matter how successful you were in 2019, there’s room for improvement throughout the New Year. Examining where you’ve missed out in the past and what you’d like to accomplish in the future is a great way to get started.The past few years…

Why Is EQ More Important than IQ?

Why is EQ more important than iq?The concept of an intelligence quotient is long-lived and still utilized today. It involves a score defined by a variety of tests used to evaluate intelligence. The original term was invented by psychologist William Stern in 1912. The mental age score achieved on the test was then divided by…

What Are Good KPIs For Measuring Professional Development?

In business, professional development is crucial when seeking opportunities for advancement. A good way to stay abreast of your current professional development and determine what you need to succeed is through KPIs. KPIs, or key performance indicators, are quantifiable values used to determine the success of a business, employee, or department. A prime example of…