Category: Professional Development

The Legal Brief: Importance of Corporate Ethics & Why Your Business Should Care

What do privacy breaches, unfair pricing, conflicts of interest, bribery and inside information all have in common? They’re all examples of Corporate Ethics issues. Separate from the harm they can cause to individuals or the public, these issues can also harm your business. These issues can sometimes lead to penalties or criminal sanctions and almost…

EIR: Communications & Creativity | Recalibrate Your ‘Clarity Metre’

There is a lot of buzz around Clarity, these days – as many people pivot, reposition or completely change their lives. But when it comes to communication, whether you are writing a presentation for the board, marketing copy for a new widget you are selling or writing a Ted talk about the story of your life…

The Mechanics of Filing A Patent and Patent Law

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

Intellectual Property Law Considerations for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs

Picture this: you’re an entrepreneur or start-up business with a great idea, product, or service. You have worked hard on developing what you are passionate about and expecting success with your business growth. In a split second, your success and growth are put to a halt and all you have worked for is exploited. Are…

10 Ways to Keep Buyers Engaged During Virtual Sales Meetings

In this virtual world, zoom fatigue is the leading cause for lack of attention and engagement on a call. SBX Guest Blog Contributor, Dave Shaby Chief Operating Officer of the RAIN Group, breaks down the 10 ways to keep buyers engaged during a sales call. Imagine this: You’re in a live sales meeting in a…

3 Ways to Enable Collaboration—Even in a Virtual Meeting

In this virtual world, zoom fatigue is the leading cause for lack of attention and engagement on a call. SBX Guest Blog Contributor, Mike Schultz, President of The Rain Group, discusses 3 Ways to Enable Collaboration—Even in a Virtual Meeting. Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on twitter Stop. Collaborate. Listen.Sellers…