Category: Professional Development

What Are You Expecting?

Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on twitter What are you expecting? Like many people, math was never my strongest subject. My math-loving brother-in-law despairs of this, convinced that math is not really all that difficult – it’s just taught ineffectively. I can’t really argue with him as I look back…

Moving Forward With Your Story

Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on twitter moving forward with your story At one point in my career, I began having recurring dreams about identity theft. While each dream was different, the final result was identical: I would find my purse intact after having left it somewhere, only to discover…

What Employees Need Most from Leaders, Now

During the dark days of the Second World War, Winston Churchill made numerous speeches that would come to define his stature as a war time leader. While we are not currently at war, we are experiencing a global crisis, and the same communications strategies Churchill employed to inspire the British public are the exact ones…

A is for Appreciation

One of the natural stages of human development which is quite normal is self-centredness.  Those of you who have children are likely quite familiar with the toddler who believes that the world revolves around him – he is at the centre of all things.  You, of course, know this to be untrue, but the toddler must discover,…

Level UP: Marketing Effectively During A Downturn

Chaotic, overwhelming, challenging – a few of many adjectives businesses owners have felt over the past few months of uncertainty. During these unprecedented times, finding the right speed to drive your businesses’ marketing strategy forward may seem to relate very well with the first three feelings you read in the first sentence. We hear you…

Mindful Leaders & How To Become One

In previous posts, we’ve explored the challenges we’ll face in the next 10, 20 or more years. Technology is eating the world and changing things at breakneck speed. That’s all fine, but we need the tools to keep up.Mindful leaders, their teams, and organizations will not only survive tomorrow’s changes, but thrive, because they’ll be equipped to connect on…