Category: Sales CNNX

The Massive Returns of a Value Based Sales Approach

Everyone says, “Sell value, drive value, make sure buyers both perceive and receive exceptional value from you, and your sales teams will be more successful.” Is everyone right, though? Do sellers and sales organizations where sellers consistently drive buyer value get better results? And, if so, what’s the actual return? Most leaders tell us they…

21 Powerful, Open-Ended Sales Questions

Broad, open-ended sales questions are great for helping you find out what’s going on in your prospects’ and clients’ worlds. They are essential to sales success. In fact, “listened to me” and “understood my needs” are two of the top five factors most separating sales winners from second-place finishers. Sales questions also help you connect…

The 8 Categories of the Sales Performance Wheel

People often ask us, “What should we do to drive our sales performance?”It’s a complicated question. It’s not easy to decide what to tackle, when to tackle it, what results the organization should be targeting, where you can get the biggest bang for your buck, and what it really takes to get those results without…

9 Habits of Extreme Productivity

Maximize motivation, take control of your time, and achieve peak performance with productivity training. Sellers today are more distracted than ever. The never-ending dings, rings, and buzzings that interrupt work flow every few minutes are killing focus and productivity. More importantly, they’re killing your sales results. You need a highly motivated and focused sales team that…