Category: Productivity

What Employees Need Most from Leaders, Now

During the dark days of the Second World War, Winston Churchill made numerous speeches that would come to define his stature as a war time leader. While we are not currently at war, we are experiencing a global crisis, and the same communications strategies Churchill employed to inspire the British public are the exact ones…

The Untold Benefits of the Family Sit Down

One of my favourite wall plaques is one you have likely seen – it reads:  “Remember, as far as anyone knows we are a nice normal family.”  Families are dynamic, and I think we can agree that at various times (hopefully infrequently) most families are a bit crazy. It might be a phase, it might…

Pssst – Your Deprivation Mentality is Showing.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all creatures of habit.  In small ways and sometimes in big ways, we like what we like when we like it and we are not happy nor are we comfortable when someone tells us we are no longer allowed to …. Enter a pandemic. As…

Impostor Syndrome

Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt and unworthiness at some point in our lives. But when your accomplishments are a result of your own knowledge, hard work, and preparation and you still feel inadequate … you’re probably suffering from impostor syndrome.People who suffer from this syndrome often feel like frauds — despite being…

Make Online Meetings Bearable (and Productive!)

Quick Tips on HOW TO FEEL CONNECTED – FROM A DISTANCE! As we all shift our collaboration to online meetings there are a few key things to consider to optimize our time for productivity. Check out the tips below:Start meetings with some social time – or better yet a fun icebreaker activity that either gets…

9 Habits of Extreme Productivity

Maximize motivation, take control of your time, and achieve peak performance with productivity training. Sellers today are more distracted than ever. The never-ending dings, rings, and buzzings that interrupt work flow every few minutes are killing focus and productivity. More importantly, they’re killing your sales results. You need a highly motivated and focused sales team that…