Category: StartUp | ScaleUP

Everything you need to take your business online

Set up your store in minutes and bring your business online Get your products back in the hands of loyal customers. Follow self-paced programs to get your business online, fast. From easy website building to shipping and fulfillment strategies, you’ll gain the insights needed to bring your business online with Shopify. Your online store is…

Quarantine Quarrels

Though this may come as a shock – men and women respond to stress very differently.  Okay, likely that is absolutely no shock at all, but what does it mean in this unprecedented time where stress levels are increased and so is the amount of time we spend together as families.  It means Quarantine Quarrels are…

News Flash | People like to be right

Statistically the odds are good that there is not a single person reading this (or any of their friends) who has not tried at one time or another to change their partner. Whether you are still with the partner you tried to change is not relevant – that you tried to change them is. Human…

Self Evaluation | Communicating with Yourself … no really

In times of extreme stress like we are currently experiencing, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by a confusing array of feelings and thoughts. ‘Confusion’ is the key word – we can experience so many conflicting reactions that it’s hard to make sense of any of them. Unfortunately, we often react or take action without fully…

Cash Flow During COVID-19: Loan and Grant Programs for Business

As the COVID-19 pandemic caught the world off-guard, many organizations that have been able to traditionally sustain themselves are now looking for new ways to access cash. Navigating cash flow options during these uncertain times can be quite a challenge, which is why Mentor Works has put together a list of Canadian government funding programs that includes COVID-19-related support and ongoing government loan/grant…

How to pivot your business in these uncertain times

Recently, while searching for a voice that echos the one in our own mind surrounding the opportunity to pivot your business; we stumbled upon precisely the straight forward unfettered tone we were looking for. From our own lens as a small business, like so many of you, there is a stark reality we’re faced with. The…