Category: Women In Business

Step by step | How to start an online business

Running a business can have a powerful impact on your life and the lives of those around you. But before you can run a business, you need to learn how to start an online business. There’s never a specific right time to start a business. Learning how to own a business is like starting a relationship.…

A is for Appreciation

One of the natural stages of human development which is quite normal is self-centredness.  Those of you who have children are likely quite familiar with the toddler who believes that the world revolves around him – he is at the centre of all things.  You, of course, know this to be untrue, but the toddler must discover,…

Level UP: Marketing Effectively During A Downturn

Chaotic, overwhelming, challenging – a few of many adjectives businesses owners have felt over the past few months of uncertainty. During these unprecedented times, finding the right speed to drive your businesses’ marketing strategy forward may seem to relate very well with the first three feelings you read in the first sentence. We hear you…

Progress | Contributing to the Solution

To feel a sense of purpose and a sense of progress in life is key to feeling happy, connected and productive.  But in a time when physical distancing is expected and many have either lost their job or are attempting to maintain productivity working from home, how can we achieve that all important sense of…

Taking Responsibility | Me Myself and I

Taking responsibility for your actions’ – something most of us heard at one time or another from our parents.  Whether we were avoiding our homework, skipping class or fabricating some story about where we were, the lesson to learn was always, take responsibility for our actions.  What our parents did not say was – take…

Quarantine Quarrels

Though this may come as a shock – men and women respond to stress very differently.  Okay, likely that is absolutely no shock at all, but what does it mean in this unprecedented time where stress levels are increased and so is the amount of time we spend together as families.  It means Quarantine Quarrels are…