Date: June 26, 2024
High Tides & Good Vibes

Meet: Community Healthcare Consulting


Sue Carr

Industry: Professional Development

Sue is the founder and CEO of CHC Consulting. She works with organizations to retain the best staff and maximize productivity in their work teams. With over 30 years in healthcare, Sue brings knowledge of psychological health and safety, leadership, team dynamics, emotional intelligence, resiliency, compassion fatigue and moral distress to her sessions. When not working with organizations, Sue can be found with working with her cats or horse.

Team Cat or Dog? Team Horse!

Fun Fact: “I think rats make great pets”

What is special about your business?

“I want to help workplaces become effective and efficient and be places where people enjoy their work and can contribute in a meaningful way.”

Can you share any exciting projects or initiatives your business is currently working on?

“We are currently piloting a couple of new services. Details coming shortly. ….”

What’s Your Favourite Thing About the Sandbox?

“I love meeting new people and building collaborations and connections. Supporting each other in genuine and helpful relationships. I have received wonderful feedback, suggestions, recommendations, and participated in fabulous partnerships. I believe I have also been able to help others grow and consider new approaches to their workplaces.”

If you see me at the Sandbox, ask me about…

“How to be improve productivity….”

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